SSH (Secure Shell) FAQ

(no name) ((no email))
Sun, 10 Dec 1995 20:54:34 +0100


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Subject: SSH (Secure Shell) FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Archive-name: computer-security/ssh-faq
Posting-frequency: every 14 days


  Ssh (Secure Shell) FAQ - Frequently asked questions
  by Thomas Koenig,
  $Id: ssh-faq.sgml,v 1.16 1995/12/07 10:54:21 ig25 Exp $

  This document is a list of Frequently Asked Questions (plus hopefully
  correct answers) about the Secure Shell, ssh.

  1. Meta-questions
  1.1. Where do I get this document?
  1.2. Where do I send questions, corrections etc. about this document?

  2. Ssh basics
  2.1. What is ssh?
  2.2. Why should I use it?
  2.3. What kinds of attacks does ssh protect against?
  2.4. What kind of attacks does ssh not protect against?
  2.5. How does it work?

  3. Obtaining and installing ssh
  3.1. What is the latest version of ssh?
  3.2. What systems does ssh run on?
  3.3. May I legally run ssh?
  3.4. Where can I obtain ssh?
  3.5. How do I install it?
  3.6. Where do I get help?
  3.7. Are there any versions for other operating systems than UNIX?

  4. Ssh Applications
  4.1. Can I run backups over ssh?
  4.2. Should I turn encryption off, for performance reasons?
  4.3. Can I use ssh to communicate across a firewall?
  4.4. Can I distribute files with ssh, as with rdist?
  4.5. Can I use ssh to securely connect two subnets across the
  4.6. Can I use ssh to securely forward UDP-based services, such as NFS
  or NIS?
  4.7. Can I forward SGI OpenGL connections over ssh?

  5. Problems
  5.1. ssh otherhost xclient & does not work!
  5.2. Ssh fails with "Resource temporarily unavailable" for Solaris 2.4
  5.3. X11 forwarding does not work for an SCO binary with the iBCS2
  emulator under Linux.
  5.4. Ssh is doing wrong things for multi-homed hosts!
  5.5. Userid swapping is broken under AIX!
  5.6. ssh-keygen dumps core on Alpha OSF!
  5.7. ssh-keygen dumps core on Solaris or SunOS
  5.8. On Linux, compilation aborts with some error message about
  5.9. X authorization fails for HP-UX 9.05

  6. Miscellaneous
  6.1. Credits

  1.  Meta-questions

  1.1.  Where do I get this document?

  The latest version of this document is available from http://www.uni- It will also be posted, on a regular
  basis, to the Usenet newsgroups,, comp.answers and news.answers.

  The original SGML file is at

  Also of interest is the ssh home page, at

  1.2.  Where do I send questions, corrections etc. about this document?

  Please send them to the maintainer,

  2.  Ssh basics

  2.1.  What is ssh?

  To quote the README file:

  Ssh (Secure Shell) is a program to log into another computer over a
  network, to execute commands in a remote machine, and to move files
  from one machine to another. It provides strong authentication and
  secure communications over insecure channels. It is intended as a
  replacement for rlogin, rsh, and rcp.

  2.2.  Why should I use it?

  The traditional BSD 'r' - commmands (rsh, rlogin, rcp) are vulnerable
  to different kinds of attacks. Somebody who has root access to
  machines on the network, or physical access to the wire, can gain
  unauthorized access to systems in a variety of ways. It is also
  possible for such a person to log all the traffic to and from your
  system, including passwords (which ssh never sends in the clear).

  The X window system also has a number of severe vulnerabilities. With
  ssh, you can create secure remote X sessions which are transparent to
  the user. As a side effect, using remote X clients with ssh is more
  convenient for users.

  Users can continue to use old .rhosts and /etc/hosts.equiv files;
  changing over to ssh is mostly transparent for them. If a remote site
  does not support ssh, a fallback mechanism to rsh is included.

  2.3.  What kinds of attacks does ssh protect against?

  Ssh protects against:

  o  IP spoofing, where a remote host sends out packets which pretend to
     come from another, trusted host. Ssh even protects against a
     spoofer on the local network, who can pretend he is your router to
     the outside.

  o  IP source routing, where a host can pretend that an IP packet comes
     from another, trusted host.

  o  DNS spoofing, where an attacker forges name server records

  o  Interception of cleartext passwords and other data by intermediate

  o  Manipulation of data by people in control of intermediate hosts

  o  Attacks based on listening to X authentication data and spoofed
     connection to the X11 server.

  In other words, ssh never trusts the net; somebody hostile who has
  taken over the network can only force ssh to disconnect, but cannot
  decrypted or play back the traffic, or hijack the connection.

  The above only holds if you actually use encryption.  Ssh does have an
  option to use encryption of type "none" this is only for debugging
  purposes, and should not be used.

  2.4.  What kind of attacks does ssh not protect against?

  Ssh will not help you with anything that compromises your host's
  security in some other way. Once an attacker has gained root access to
  a machine, he can then subvert ssh, too.

  If somebody malevolent has access to your home directory, then
  security is nonexistent. This is very much the case if your home
  directory is exported via NFS.

  2.5.  How does it work?

  For more extensive information, please refer to the README and RFC
  files in the ssh directory. The proposed RFC is also available as an
  Internet Draft, as draft-ylonen-ssh-protocol-00.txt.

  All communications are encrypted using IDEA or one of several other
  ciphers (three-key triple-DES, DES, RC4-128, TSS). Encryption keys are
  exchanged using RSA, and data used in the key exchange is destroyed
  every hour (keys are not saved anywhere). Every host has an RSA key
  which is used to authenticate the host. Encryption is used to protect
  against IP-spoofing; public key authentication is used to protect
  against DNS and routing spoofing.

  The RSA keys are also used to authenticate hosts.

  3.  Obtaining and installing ssh

  3.1.  What is the latest version of ssh?

  The latest officially released version is 1.2.0. The latest
  development version is 1.2.12.

  3.2.  What systems does ssh run on?

  Ssh currently runs on UNIX or related system. Ports have been
  successful to all "mainstream" systems.

  At present, there are no known working versions for other operating
  systems (but see below).

  3.3.  May I legally run ssh?

  Ssh is free software, and can be freely used by anyone for any

  However, in some countries, particularly France, Russia, Iraq, and
  Pakistan, it may be illegal to use any encryption at all without a
  special permit.

  If you are in the United States, you should be aware that, while ssh
  was written outside the United States using information publicly
  available everywhere, the US Government may consider it a criminal
  offence to export this software from the US once it has been imported,
  including putting it on a ftp site.  Contact the Office of Defence
  Trade Controls if you need more information.

  The algorithms RSA and IDEA, which are used by ssh, are claimed as
  patented in different countries, including the US. Linking against the
  RSAREF2 library, which is possible, may or may not make it legal to
  use ssh for non-commercial purposes in the US. You may need to obtain
  licenses for commercial use of IDEA; ssh can be configured to work
  without it.  Ssh works perfectly fine without IDEA, however.

  For more detail, refer to the file COPYING in the ssh source

  For information on software patents in general, see the Leauge for
  Programming Freedom's homepage at

  3.4.  Where can I obtain ssh?

  The central site for distributing ssh is

  Official releases are PGP-signed, with the key ID

  DCB9AE01 1995/04/24 Ssh distribution key <>
  Key fingerprint =3D  C8 90 C8 5A 08 F0 F5 FD  61 AF E6 FF CF D4 29 D9

  The latest development version is available from

  Ssh is also available via anonymous ftp from the following sites:










     United Kingdom:

     United States:

     United States:

  Some mirrors may not have the most recent snapshots available.

  3.5.  How do I install it?

  Get the file from a site near you, then unpack it with

  gzip -c -d ssh-1.2.12.tar.gz | tar xvf -

  then change into the directory ssh-1.2.12, read the file INSTALL, and
  follow the directions.

  3.6.  Where do I get help?

  First of all, read the documentation, this document :-) and the ssh
  home page, at

  If this doesn't help, you can send mail to the mailing list for ssh
  users at  To subscribe, send mail to with the message

  subscribe ssh

  in the body of the message.

  Before subscribing, you might like to take a look at the archives of
  the mailing list, at

  3.7.  Are there any versions for other operating systems than UNIX?

  Heikki Suonsivu ( and Michael Henits ( each
  offered a US$ 100 reward for the first stable, freely redistributable
  version for either Windows or MacOS.

  There is a preliminary version for Windows by,
  available from; you might want to
  test this. is working on a Mac port.

  A port to VMS, by Mark Martinec (, is being
  worked on.

  4.  Ssh Applications

  4.1.  Can I run backups over ssh?

  Yes. Since ssh is a drop-in replacement for rsh, backup scripts should
  continue to work.  If you use rdist, see below.

  4.2.  Should I turn encryption off, for performance reasons?

  No; you should keep it turned on, for security reasons.

  Today's CPUs are fast enough that performance losses (if any) only are
  noticable for local Ethernet speeds, or faster.

  You might want to specify RC4 encryption instead of the default, IDEA,
  with -c rc4.  At an actual measurement, this dropped sustainable
  transfer speed between a P90 and a 486/100 (not the fastest CPUs
  around) from 386 kb/s (for no encryption) to 318 kb/s.
  Across a heavily loaded Ethernet, rc4 encryption together with
  compression may actually be faster than using rcp.

  If you don't encrypt your sessions, you are vulnerable to all the
  attacks which are open on the "r" suite of utilities, and you might as
  well not use ssh.

  4.3.  Can I use ssh to communicate across a firewall?

  Yes; you can use TCP forwarding for that, by using its secure TCP
  forwarding features.

  4.4.  Can I distribute files with ssh, as with rdist?

  Stock rdist 6.1.0 does not work together with ssh, due to bugs in it.
  You can use the Linux version of rdist (which should compile on any
  system for which rdist also works), available from as

  4.5.  Can I use ssh to securely connect two subnets across the Inter-

  This has been discussed on the ssh mailing list. A proposed solution
  was to run ppp with TCP forwarding; however, this has not been
  implemented yet.

  4.6.  Can I use ssh to securely forward UDP-based services, such as
  NFS or NIS?

  Forwarding UDP packets has been proposed, but has not been
  implemented.  There are two problems with this:

  o  Some UDP-based programs use the IP address of the incoming packet
     and the port it was sent from as a form of authorization.
     Forwarding such packets from local ports would tend to confuse
     these (badly written :-) programs.

  o  UDP-based programs usually use a retransmit strategy if they do not
     receive an answer for a predetermined time. This leads to
     ineffiency if packets are forwarded across a reliable connection,
     such as TCP.  Somebody would have to implement lossy UDP forwarding
     to avoid this.

  4.7.  Can I forward SGI OpenGL connections over ssh?

  It is not likely that this will be implemented.  OpenGL uses a totally
  different protocol from X, and at least gld would have to be replaced.

  5.  Problems

  If you don't find your problem listed below, please submit a bug
  report to, giving full details of

  o  Version number of ssh and (if different) sshd

  o  What you expected ssh to do

  o  What ssh did instead (including all error messages)

  o  The system you use (for example, the output of uname -a), and the
     output of config.guess.

  o  The compiler you used, plus any compilation flags

  o  The output of ssh -v

  o  The output of the sshd daemon when run in debug mode, as sshd -d

  5.1.  ssh otherhost xclient & does not work!

  No, it doesn't. Use "ssh -f otherhost xclient" instead, or "ssh -n
  otherhost xclient &" if you want a script to be compatible with rsh.

  5.2.  Ssh fails with "Resource temporarily unavailable" for Solaris

  This is a kernel bug in Solaris. Get the patch 101945-32.

  5.3.  X11 forwarding does not work for an SCO binary with the iBCS2
  emulator under Linux.

  You need to set the hostname to the fully qualified domain name for
  this to work. Some Linux distributions set the hostname to the first
  part of the FQDN only.

  5.4.  Ssh is doing wrong things for multi-homed hosts!

  Check whether gethostbyname() really returns the complete lists of
  possible IP addresses (you might, for example, have your system
  configured to search /etc/hosts first, which might contain only one of
  the IP addresses).

  5.5.  Userid swapping is broken under AIX!

  This is a bug in AIX 3.2.5, reported as APAR IX38941, and fixed by
  patches U435001, U427862, U426915, and a few others. Contact your IBM
  representative for details.

  5.6.  ssh-keygen dumps core on Alpha OSF!

  For Alpha OSF/1 1.3.2, this is due to a bug in the vendor-supplied
  compiler with maximum optimization.

  Turn off all optimization for ssh-keygen, or use gcc.

  5.7.  ssh-keygen dumps core on Solaris or SunOS

  This is a bug in gcc 2.7.0, which causes it to generated incorrect
  code without optimization.  Supply the "-O" or "-O -g" options to gcc
  when compiling.  Alternatively, upgrade to gcc 2.7.2.

  5.8.  On Linux, compilation aborts with some error message about

  This is an incorrectly configured Linux system; do a "cd /usr/lib; ln
  -s" as root to remedy this.

  5.9.  X authorization fails for HP-UX 9.05

  This one is known, but a fix is not available yet. If you can supply
  any additional data, please send it to

  The symptoms, as known so far, are:

  When the target machine is running HP-UX 9.05, it is most likely that
  X authorization fails if the xauth list produces some lines of output
  like "this_host:1 this_host:2 this_host:4", with gaps in the
  lettering.  X authorization keeps failing until a local display number
  is higher than the highest already present number.  Removing all xauth
  data does not seem to help.
  6.  Miscellaneous

  6.1.  Credits

  Most of the credit, of course, goes to Tatu Ylonen for writing ssh and
  making it available to the public. I have also used parts of his text
  from the documentation accompanying the ssh source distribution.
  Thanks also for his corrections for this FAQ.

  Also of invaluable help were corrections and additions from members of
  the ssh mailing list, by Mark Martinec, Pedro Melo, Michael Soukas,
  Adrian Colley, and Kenneth J. Hendrickson.

Version: 2.6.2i


Thomas K=F6nig,, ig25@dkauni2.bitnet.
The joy of engineering is to find a straight line on a double
logarithmic diagram.